
Features of Bottle and Labeling Services

Bottle labels are designed to entice consumers to buy the product. They also deliver necessary, sometimes legally mandated, information. They are commonly used in the beverage industry.

Labels must be attractive and stand out from competitors’ products. For this reason, they include pictures of citrus fruits and other designs to attract customers.


Labeling is a vital part of any company’s branding and marketing strategies. It also helps with brand recognition and consumer loyalty. Labels can be customized with eye-catching designs and product information, such as ingredients and nutritional facts. They can also display a business’s logo and name. By law, some beverages must even include this information on their labels.

Bottle and labeling services Minneapolis can help businesses reduce costs by reducing labor requirements and enabling them to meet peak market demand with incredible speed and flexibility. The reduced labor cost can be reallocated to more value-added activities that boost productivity and profitability. This can also help companies achieve their sustainability goals. This is possible because of the automation and digital printing capabilities of labeling services.


Aside from creating brand awareness, bottle labels help buyers choose the right product. They can entice the buyer to purchase your product, increasing your sales. In addition, they provide a clear image of your products and establish your brand ideology in the consumer’s mind.

Silk screen labeling is durable against scuffing, weather, and UV light. It is also water-resistant and can handle a variety of chemicals. It can even be printed in opaque colors to give a “no label” look on clear bottles. It also tends to cost less than flexo printing because there is no tooling fee.

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Product labels enlighten consumers on the product’s ingredients and composition. They can be used for various products, including food and drink. They can also be used on glass or plastic bottles.

Easy to Apply

Bottle labels are essential to packaging, enabling manufacturers to communicate important product information to consumers. They can tell consumers where the product was made, its ingredients, and other relevant details. Labels also help to create brand awareness.

Bottle labeling machines apply custom labels to liquid bottles with high accuracy and flexibility. They can also be adorned with various textures and finishes to improve their look and shield them from scuffs and wetness.

Customized bottle labels are popular in the brewing industry but can be used for non-business applications. 

Easy to Remove

Bottle labels must be applied to clean, room temperature, oil-free bottles. Cold surfaces or condensation on the glass will prevent the label from adhering correctly, and solvents used to remove a previous label can also inhibit proper adhesion. Before applying a new label, thoroughly rinse the bottle with hot, soapy water and inspect it for sediment. A jet washer makes this process easy and quick, but a bristled bottle brush can also help break loose sediment.

Acidic solutions such as nail polish remover dissolve the adhesive bond well, making repurposing a bottle or jar easier. 


Custom labels are an effective way to promote your brand, product, or event. They are available in various styles and can be printed with logos, typography, photos, and other details. They also feature bubble-free applications and are water-resistant. They can be applied manually or in a kit.

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Whether you run a brewing company or are an artisanal producer, custom bottle labels can help you stand out in the marketplace. You can even use them for weddings or events, where they add a special touch to the occasion.

In addition to providing product information, custom labels can help communicate critical safety and usage instructions. They can also be decorated with different textures and finishes to improve their appearance and protect them from dampness and scuffing.