
A Guide to the Most Common Garage Door Repairs

There are several common issues that homeowners face with their garage doors. These include misaligned sensors, broken springs, and damaged tracks. In addition, electrical problems can also arise. These problems will require the assistance of an electrician. Sometimes, you may need to reset your breaker or install a completely new electrical system.

Misaligned Sensors

If you need to repair your garage door, you should be aware of misaligned sensors. These sensors send and receive light from each other, and they must be at the correct height and angle to operate correctly. You should contact a garage door repair professional for help if they need to be appropriately aligned. In most cases, misaligned sensors can be quickly realigned by adjusting the brackets holding the sensors to the correct position. Once realigned, the LED light should come on and work properly.

A misaligned sensor is the most common cause of a malfunctioning garage door. These sensors are located on either side of the threshold of the door. The receiving sensor features a green LED light. If you need to check if the sensors are misaligned, you can test them by inserting a string between the brackets. Once you’ve positioned the sensors correctly, you can tighten them back in place with a screwdriver. Then, you can test the door to see if it opens and closes.

Broken Springs

Broken springs in garage door repairs can be tricky to replace. To start, you should make sure the door is shut. Torsion springs are much more complicated to replace than extension springs, so you should have a professional replace them. A professional from companies like Rainier Garage Door will finish the job in about half an hour.

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Before you start to replace a spring, make sure you measure its length. The spring is generally 24 inches long, and the size is usually between 0.034 inches and 1.588 cm in diameter. To determine the exact length of the spring, slide a measuring hook between two coils and measure their overall length.

Damaged Track

When you need a garage door repair, one of the first things you should check is the track. The tracks are a set of rails installed on either side of the garage door. They help guide the door in a smooth motion. When the tracks are damaged, the door will stutter or even run out of its tracks. If you notice that your track is damaged, it is time to get a professional to fix it.

The cost to fix a damaged track in a garage door is usually around $223, but it depends on how badly damaged it is. In some cases, the track may have to be replaced. 

Electrical Problems

Garage doors can have several electrical problems. A faulty motor or logic board could be the culprit. An electrical surge could also cause the breaker to trip. This issue is easily rectified by turning off the power source at the breaker panel. Afterward, the door opener must be reprogrammed. You should contact a garage door repair technician if you cannot fix the problem.

One common problem is an exposed wire. Exposed wires are prone to electrical shorts. They can cause a garage door to open or close inconveniently. Insulating the wires is another solution to avoid a short.

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Torsion Springs

A torsion spring is a complex mechanical system that opens and closes the garage door. It comprises several springs that are tightly wound and carry high tension. If a torsion spring snaps, it will produce a loud noise. You can test a torsion spring by manually testing it and seeing if it stays in an up or mid-level position. If it does, the spring may be nearing its breaking point, or you may have an improperly sized spring.

To replace a torsion spring, you should first determine the length of the broken spring. You can find this information by measuring the distance between the two coils. Usually, the length of the torsion spring coils is about 5 inches. You must be precise with the measurement because being off by a fraction can lead to purchasing a spring that is too short or too long.

Broken Glass

If you have broken glass in your garage door, there are a few things you need to know. First of all, you need to protect yourself from the shards of glass. Using heavy gloves and safety goggles can help you avoid injury. Next, you need to measure the height and width of the window frame and the peak. Subtract 1/8 inch from these measurements.

You will need a replacement if the glass frame cover isn’t removable. Keep a set aside if you decide to change the glass yourself.