
The Ultimate Guide to Waxing Services

Waxing is a popular form of hair removal for women and men. It provides longer-lasting results than shaving and is gentler on the skin.

Before waxing, make sure hair is the correct length — too short, and it’s difficult to remove; too long, and it might rip off instead of pull out. Lightly exfoliate the day of your appointment to slough off dry skin and help hair come out more quickly.

Sensitive Skin

Whether someone has sensitive skin or just isn’t used to getting their hair removed, waxing services can help ease the pain and discomfort. It is particularly true when waxing the face and intimate areas.

During professional waxing Long Island NY, nicks and cuts are rare as the technicians know how to apply and remove the wax correctly in every body part. In addition, professional waxing service is done in the most hygienic environment to avoid bacteria build-up and cross-contamination.

Before a waxing appointment, it is essential to exfoliate the skin gently to prevent ingrown hairs. Avoiding lotions and oils before the waxing is also a good idea. A numbing spray can be helpful for those who have susceptible skin.

Ingrown Hairs

Ingrown hairs are a huge annoyance, especially in the more sensitive areas. They are red, swollen, itchy, and can even be painful. They appear when the hair reverts underneath the skin and grows into itself rather than upward from the hair follicle.

Preventing ingrown hairs is manageable with proper before and aftercare. Educating your clients is the first step, and upselling products like body exfoliants or gentle moisturizer with ingredients that reduce ingrown hairs are another.

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Clients should also avoid applying lotions or potions to the skin on the waxing day and ensure their hair is at least a quarter inch long. They should avoid tight clothing, hot showers, and sunbathing, as the heat can irritate the freshly waxed area and encourage ingrown hairs.

Long-Lasting Results

Unlike shaving, which removes the hair only at its tip, waxing removes the entire follicle and the surrounding skin. It allows the hair to grow back smooth and soft, eliminating weeks of prickly stubble.

However, clients must trim their hair before their waxing service to ensure it is the correct length. If hair is too long, your beautician may be forced to use safety scissors, which can cause pain.

Also, clients must moisturize between waxes as dry skin makes the hair strand more brittle and can lead to breakage. Providing and selling body exfoliants and products that reduce ingrown hairs is an excellent way to upsell your services while supporting your client’s home care routine. It will also make the results of their wax last longer.


Many people shave, use depilatories, and even undergo laser treatments to eliminate unwanted body hair. But waxing offers some significant advantages compared to these other methods, including longer-lasting results and finer, lighter hair regrowth.

It also saves clients time, especially when preparing for their appointment, by eliminating the need for shaving or using other types of depilatories. However, estheticians must educate their clients on proper skin prep so that their waxing sessions go smoothly and quickly.

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That means avoiding over-exfoliating the skin and recommending a gentle skin cleanser for dry skin. It’s also a good idea to advise your client not to take certain medications such as Accutane or Differin that can cause skin sensitization and avoid using AHAs like glycolic acid that can make the skin too sensitive for the service.

Less Irritation

While waxing is not entirely pain-free, it’s much less painful than other hair removal methods. For example, shaving irritates the skin and can even cause ingrown hairs. Waxing, on the other hand, removes hair at its root and leaves the skin feeling smooth.

It would be best to continually educate your clients on preparing and treating their skin for a waxing session. Remind them to avoid sunbathing and swimming in the days leading up to a waxing appointment, as exposure to sunlight increases skin sensitivity.

Before a waxing appointment, they should also refrain from using body lotions or potions, especially on the face. Also, they should not shave between waxing appointments, as this disrupts the hair growth cycle and can lead to ingrown hairs. Finally, they should avoid rubbing the area, which can also increase skin sensitivity.